My SugarHouse Online Casino App Experience Despite the name change, players can expect the same great game selection, services, and promotions discussed on this page. While it may seem complicated to understand all of these moving parts, we here at The Game Day Casino are going to break down the SugarHouse Casino app in a way that you will be able to leave from here, load the app, and know exactly what to do no matter what.Įditor’s Note: SugarHouse Casino has recently rebranded to BetRivers NJ. From there, you visit the site on a computer or a mobile web browser. But then you learn that there is a mobile app for the casino you’re looking at. Now, this introduces a whole new host of questions. With online gambling becoming so popular over the past couple of years, there is a learning curve that could prove to be daunting.įirst, you need to find an online casino.